
Showing posts from March, 2016

Hazrat Data Gang Bakhsh Ali Hajveri (RA)

The whole universe is sum up in the Human Being. Devil is not a monster waiting to trap us, He is a voice inside. Look for Your Devil in yourself, not in the others. Don’t forget that the one, who knows his Devil, knows his God.” -Shams Tabriz Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajveri R.A Shrine of Hazrat Data Gunj Bakhsh Ali Hajveri R.A  Memoir Hazrat Data Gunj Baksh Ali Hajveri (R.A) was born on 990AD (400 A.H). His real name was Abul Hassan Ali Ibn Usman but shortly called Abul Hassan. His father name was Usman Ali Ibne Ali. He belongs to Hasani Syed family. His father was belonging to jalab and his mother was belong to hajveri, basically jalab and hajwaeri both of town were present in Afghanistan. After the death of his father he permanently moved to hajwaeri. The shrine of her mother is in Gazni. He learnt Islamic education from the different teachers of that time. Hazrat Ali hajwaeri general...
Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti (R.A.)                BIRTH: EARLY LIFE: Khwaja Moinuddin Chisty (R.A.) was born in Seistan (East Persia) also known as Sejistan, around 537 Hijri in a respected family. His father Khwaja Ghayasuddin (R.A.) and mother Syeda Bibi Ummalwara alias Bibi Mahe-Noor were the descendants of Hazrat Ali (R.A.) through his sons Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain, Khwaja Saheb lost both his Father and Mother at an early age of sixteen years. He inherited an orchard and a wind mill which serve as his means of livelihood. One day when Khwaja Saheb was working in his orchard, a pious dervish and Majzoob, Ebrahi Qandoozi, came and took his seat under the shade of a tree. When Khwaja Saheb saw him, he brought a bunch of grapes and presented it to his guest. The visitor ate those grapes and was delighted, and took something out of his bag, chewed it, and then offered it to his young host. Khwaja Saheb a...
Hazrat Bilal-e-Habshi (RA) First Muezzin of Islam In the second year after Hijrah, the announcing of the time of Salaat began and Hadrat Bilal (RA) was appointed Muezzin and always remained the muezzin of Nabi (SAW) both in his presence and also during travel. Hadrat Bilal (RA) stayed with Nabi (SAW). In Madinah, he was the muezzin and even while travelling, he went with Nabi (SAW), and at the time of Salah he used to give Adhan. Very seldom Nabi (SAW) went somewhere and someone other than Hadrat Bilal (RA) called the Adhan. Whenever Nabi (SAW) went to Musjid-e-Qubaa, then Bilal (RA) would give the Adhan and when hearing him, the people living around the area knew that Nabi (SAW) was in the area. Hadrat Bilal (RA) used to give the Fajr Adhan from the roof of the house of a lady from the tribe of Banu Najjaar. Her home was joined to the Masjid. From the time of Sehri he used to sit on the roof waiting for the time of Fajr. When it was time to commence the Adh...
Hazrat Imam Al-Shafi'i (RA) (150 A.H. - 204 A.H.) Full nam e: Mohammed bin Idris Al Shaafa'ee (RA) Born in 150 A.H   Passed aw ay in Rajab in the year 204 A.H EARLY LIFE Mohammed bin Idris Al Shaafa'ee (RA) well known as Imam Shaafa'ee was born in 150 A.H. and belonged to the Quraish tribe. When He (RA) was 10 years old, He came to Makkatul Mukarramah from Palestine where he grew up. He was very intelligent and had an excellent memory. He memorized the entire Holy Quran at the age of 7. By the age of 15, He (RA) had memorized the entire Muwatta of Imam Maalik (RA). Before the age of 20, He (RA) studied Islamic Jurisprudence under the Mufti of Makkatul Mukarramah, Sayyiduna Muslim bin Khalil al Zanji and also Sayyiduna Sufyaan bin Uyayana (RA). Imam Maalik bin Anas (RA) was also his teacher. In Iraq When the Governor of Iraq visited Madinatul Munawwarah, He was so impressed by Imam Shaafa'ee (RA) that he persuaded him to become an Adm...
Hazrat Imam A'zam  Abu Hanifa (RA) (80 A.H. - 150 A.H.) Full name : Numan bin Thaabit bin Zuta bin Mah Born in Kufa in Iraq in 80 A.H Passed away: In the Month of Rajab 150 A.H., He lies buried in a Tomb situated near Baghdad in Iraq. Prediction about his coming It is stated in a Hadith Shareef which Imam al-Harizmi reported from Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah (RA) that Sayyiduna Rasulullah (SAW) said: "Among my Ummah, there will come a man called Abu Hanifa. On the Day of Resurrection, he will be the light of my Ummah." Another Hadith Shareef states: "In every century, a number of my Ummah will attain to high grades. Abu Hanifa will be the highest of his time." These two Ahadith are recorded in " al-Mukhtar." While still in his youth, he met great Sahaba like Sayyiduna Anas bin Maalik, Sayyiduna Sahl bin Saad and Sayyiduna Abul Tufail Amir bin Wathilah (RA). Imam A'zam Abu Hanifa (radi Allahu anhu) was first brought up as...