Hazrat Hafsah bint ‘Hazrat Umar’ (RA)


Hazrat Hafsah (RA) was the daughter of Hazrat 'Umar Faruq (RA) and her mother name is Zainab bint Maz’un. She was  the niece of Hazrat 'Uthman bin Maz'un (RA). Her uncle from the paternal side was Zayd bin Khattab. Hazrat 'Abdullah bin 'Umar (RA) was her brother.

Her qualities and moral character

Hafsah was an extremely religious lady who used to spend her time in prayer and fasting. She was an excellent writer and orator and an ardent follower of Islam.

Hazrat Hafsah (RA) had such noble qualities and such an amiable nature that Hazrat 'A'ishah (RA) remarked that among wives of the Prophet (SAW) only she could compare with her. Her life is exemplary, brought up as she was by a Companion of the caliber of Hazrat 'Umar bin Khattab (RA).

Her Birth

She was born 5 years before the declaration of prophet hood by Hadrat Mohammad (SAW)

The Qureshites were the trustees of the house of Allah i.e. Ka‘aba. Many years before the declaration of prophet hood by Hadrat Mohammad (SAW), once the whole of the Quraish tribe was busy in reconstruction and renovation of Ka‘aba. In the process, everybody whether old or young, was participating. Umar bin Khattab was also one of them. Suddenly a messenger came running to him and broke the news that his wife had given birth to a daughter. This daughter was Hafsa. Hafsa, who later became the mother of the faithful after her marriage with the Holy Prophet (SAW). 

On the declaration of prophethood by Hadrat Mohammad (SAW), the whole of Quraish and Arab society turned against him. Old colleagues, friends, and relatives turned into enemies and people who used to call him The Honest, and The Truthful now looked for any opportunity to kill him. Hazrat Umar (RA) was also one of those ‘daring’ persons who had planned to kill the Holy Prophet (SAW). But, as the dawn of a day after a long dark night is expected; so was the case with Hazrat Umar. Soon, Hazrat Umar embraced Islam and the sword, which was so far thirsty for the blood of the Holy Prophet (SAW), turned into the Holy Prophet’s shield. After embracing Islam, Umar, once so hostile to the Holy Prophet (SAW) became a very zealous Muslim, ready to sacrifice anything for the cause of Islam and at the call of the Holy Prophet (SAW). Since Hadrat Umar commanded great respect in Arabian society, a lot of people embraced Islam in those days following her father’s footsteps.   

Early life

First marriage: Hadrat Hafsa’s first marriage took place with Khunays bin Hadhafa. Khunays and Hadrat Hafsa were dedicated followers of Islam. They had decided to stay by the side of the Holy Prophet (SAW) in the face of all hostilities and opposition. Islam had strengthened their bond of love. On the eve of migration, both never faltered. They welcomed this sacrifice and left their homeland for the love of Islam. Migration was not a trivial matter. It was the turning point of history and played a great role in the lives of Muslims. When the life at Makkah was no longer bearable for Muslims, the Holy Prophet (SAW) ordered migration to Madina, and every Muslim, leaving behind their kith and kin, properties, homeland, social affinities, relatives and their past, started for Madina. Hadrat Hafsa and Hadrat Khunays, were among the migrants. It was the beginning of a new life for both wife and husband. Hadrat Hafsa and Khunays were now soldiers of Islam. 

The background of her marriage with the Holy Prophet (SAW)

The non-believers and Makkans did not discontinue their hostility even after the migration and chased the Muslims to Madina. Muslims at Madina were not allowed by Makkans to live at peace, until the first battle was fought at Badar. After sacrificing money, property, homeland and relatives, now the moment of sacrifice of their lives had come. Hadrat Khunays was no coward and volunteered for the battle as a soldier. He fought in the battle relentlessly. Makkans were astonished to see the bravery of Hadrat Khunays. Khunays received serious injuries in the battle and returned to Madina, victorious and wounded. The wounds proved fatal and he died leaving Hadrat Hafsa as a widow.

After the death of Hadrat Hafsa’s husband, Hadrat Umar became worried about Hadrat Hafsa’s re-marriage. The background of her marriage with the Holy Prophet (SAW) is quite interesting. Hadrat Umar wanted to marry her with Hadrat Abu Bakr. He discussed the matter with Hadrat Abu Bakr and solicited his views. Hadrat Abu Bakr kept mum and gave no reply. Hadrat Umar felt unhappy over this re-action of Hadrat Abu Bakr. In the meantime, Ruqiya the wife of Hadrat Othman and the daughter of the Holy Prophet (SAW), died. Hadrat Umar proposed this match to Hadrat Othman when he was deeply grief stricken. Othman said ‘I am not inclined to marriage so early’.

Disappointed Hadrat Umar came to, the Holy Prophet Hadrat Mohammad (SAW) and narrated the whole story. Hadrat Umar and the Holy Prophet (SAW) had a deep loving association. This association had now reached a point where it could be further strengthened. The daughter of Hadrat Abu Bakr was already married to the Holy Prophet (SAW). This blessing was now to be conferred on Hadrat Umar’s daughter too. On hearing the story of Hadrat Umar, the Holy Prophet (SAW) said:  Be not grieved , Omar,” a better wife is destined for Usman, and a better husband for the daughter”

“The Holy Prophet (SAW) married another of his daughter, Hadrat Kulsoom to Hadrat Othman and himself asked for the hand of Hadrat Hafsa from Hadrat Umar. Thus Hadrat Othman became Dhun-Noorain (A person having two lights. This surname was given to Hadrat Othman indicating his marriages with the two daughters of the Holy Prophet (SAW) one after the other), and Hadrat Hafsa became the mother of the faithful. Hadrat Hafsa was married to the Holy Prophet (SAW) in the third year of Hijra. After this marriage Hadrat Abu Bakr met Hadrat Umar and said: 

“Do not be angry with me. The Holy Prophet (SAW) had already showed his inclination of marrying Hafsa and I could not disclose it before hand, so I kept quiet. Had I not known the Prophet’s inclination I would have certainly accepted your proposal”. 

This explanation cleared the misunderstanding of Hadrat Umar. The most interesting thing in the details of this incident is that it was destined for Hadrat Hafsa to be the mother of the faithful, so it happened accordingly despite best efforts of Hadrat Umar for marrying her to others. Hadrat Hafsa enjoyed a very successful and happy life thereafter. 

Hadrat Hafsa had deep religious knowledge

Hadrat Hafsa had deep religious knowledge and was always eager for further learning. Her religious knowledge can be assessed by one incident when the Prophet said: 

“I hope the people who participated in Badar (Battle fought between Makkans and Madinite Muslims) and Hudaibiya (A place where peace treaty between Makkans and Muslims and Madina was signed) will not be condemned to Hell in Hereafter”. 

Immediately, Hadrat Hafsa made a query: “O, Prophet of Allah, how is it possible; Because Allah says that every one of us will have the experience of Hell, at least once, in the next life”. And then she recited the following verse from Quran: “And then We will salvage the pious people and leave the cruel fallen on their knees”. 

This verse substantiated Hadrat Hafsa’s view point. Such was her understanding and insight in religion that compelled her contemporaries to visit her for learning religion and its teachings. Hadrat Abdullah bin Umar, Hamza bin Abdullah, Haris bin Obaiy, Abdur Rehman bin Haris, Safia bint-e-Abi Ubaida, and Umm-e-Maisher Ansaria are among her pupils in religious knowledge. 

Hadrat Hafsa has reported sixty Ahadith

Hadrat Hafsa has reported sixty traditions (Ahadith that she heard either direct from the Holy Prophet (SAW) or from her father Hadrat Umar. Apart from these qualities she was a pious lady. She strictly followed the teachings of Islam in letter and spirit. Sometimes, she prayed the whole night. She was an early riser in the morning for Fajar (morning) prayers. During her old age and while suffering from failing health, she used to fast regularly. 

Hadrat Hafsa had a bit hot temper

Hadrat Ayesha and Hadrat Hafsa had great love for each other and shared many experiences together. Jealousy sometimes arose between the two wives, but there was no lasting bitterness between them. Hadrat Hafsa was quite stubborn and had a bit hot temper. Hadrat Ayesha said; 

“Hafsa was just like her father. Constancy was Umar’s overwhelming characteristic, and same was true about Hafsa”.

On certain occasions Hadrat Hafsa spoke harshly to the Holy Prophet (SAW). One such instance has been reported by Hadrat Umar as follows: 

“In pre-Islamic days, women were used to be looked down upon. One day I was busy in some task and my wife intervened. I became angry and rebuked her that she had no business to interfere in such matters. My wife said: “You do not like my interruption and your daughter Hafsa loses her temper even with the Holy Prophet (SAW)”. Hearing this, I went to Hafsa and inquired about the matter. She confessed that it had happened so many times. I warned her to be careful in future; otherwise she might invite the wrath of Allah”. 

Her short temper never touched the boundaries of insolence, rudeness or arrogance. She lived a virtuous life

She breathed her last

Hazrat Hafsah (RA) died in the year 41st after Hijrah aged fifty-nine. At the time of death she was with fasting. The funeral prayers were led by the governor of Al-Madinah, Marwan bin Al-Hakam. Abu Hurairah and Abu Sa'id Khudri, the eminent Companion of the Prophet (SAW) were among those who carried the shroud to Jannatul Baqi'. Her two brothers, 'Abdullah bin 'Umar and 'Asim bin 'Umar placed her gently into her final resting place. Salem bin 'Abdullah, 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Abdullah and Hamzah bin 'Abdullah, all the sons of 'Abdullah bin 'Umar also attended the funeral.

And so a righteous and learned writer and reciter of the Noble Quran who devoted herself from her youth to prayer, fasting and meditation passed into history.

These Ayat from Surat Al-Qamar express an apt tribute to this great Mother of the Believers.

"Verily, the pious will be in the midst of Graders and Rivers (Paradise). In a seat of truth, near the Omni potent King." [Noble Quran 54:54-55]

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