Ummul Momineen Bibi Umm Salama Hind bint Abi Umayya (RA)


Ummul Momineen Bibi Umm Salama was a great lady. Her actual name was Hind, but was known by his Kunyah Abu Salma. She belonged to a tribe Bani Makhzum. Her father Abi Umayya ibn Mughirah ibn Abdullah ibn Umar ibn Makhzum was a notable of Banu Makhzum nicknamed Zad ar-Rakib because of his generosity to travelers. Umm Salma’s mother name was Atika bint Amir.

She was married to the Prophet (SAW) in 4 AH after her first husband, Hazrat Abdullah ibn Abdul Asad, had died from the wounds he had received while fighting at the battle of Uhud.

Early life

Hazrat Umm Salama and Abdel Asad had been among the first people to embrace Islam in the early days of the Muslim community in Mecca. Only Hazrat Abu Bakr and a few others became Muslims before them. They had suffered at the hands of the Quraish who had tried to force them to abandon their new faith, and had been among the first group of Muslims to seek refuge under the protection of the Negus in Abyssinia. She had four children with Abdullah before she married Prophet Muhammad (SAW): Salama, Umar, Zaynab, and Durra. She became known as Ayyin al-Arab - the one who had lost her husband. She had no family in Medina except her small children, but she was given support by both the Muhajirin and Ansar who felt they had a duty to her.

Example of Hazrat Umm Salma’s (RA) suffering

When Hazrat Umm Salam (RA) had received permission from the Prophet Muhammed (saw) to travel to Medina with her then Husband. Her tribe did not allow her to leave with her husband and instead she had to remain. In addition to that tragedy her son was also snatched from her. She had been tested yet again; she would go out at noon every day and sat at the spot where this tragedy had occurred. She would remember those terrifying moments and weep until nightfall. She had to suffer so, for another long year until a kind soul who felt her pain persuaded her tribe to allow her to reconciliate with her son and immediately she left for Medina. She was accompanied by Hazrat Uthman Ibn Talha (before his reversion to Islam ) Her personal account of events follows;

"I continued like this for a year or so until one day a man from the Banu Umayya passed by and saw my condition. He went to my tribe and said, 'Why don't you free this woman? You have caused both her husband and her son to be taken away from her.' He went on like this, trying to soften their hearts and appealing to their emotions, until at last they said to me, 'Go and join your husband if you wish.' But how could I join my husband in Medina, and leave my son, part of my own flesh and blood, in Mecca among the Banu Abdul Asad? How could I remain free from anguish, and my eyes free from tears, if I were to reach the place of hijrah not knowing anything of my little son left behind in Mecca?

Thus after many difficult months of separation, Hazrat Umm Salama (RA) and her son were reunited with Abu Salama, and in the next few years that followed, they were always near the heart of the growing Muslim community of Medina al Munawwarah. They were present when the Prophet (SAW) and Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) arrived safely from Mecca, and at the battle of Badr Abu Salama fought bravely. At the battle of Uhud, however, he was badly wounded. Once while Hazrat Umm Salama was nursing him, he said to her, "I once heard the Messenger of Allah (SAW) that whenever a calamity afflicts anyone he should say what Allah has commanded him to say: 'Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un!' 'Surely we come from Allah and surely to Him we return!' and then he should say, 'O Lord, reward me for my affliction and give me something better than it in return, which only You, the Exalted the Mighty, can give.'"

Once again Hazrat Umm Salama (RA) was alone, only now she had not one child, but several. There was no one to look after her and them. Recalling what her husband had told her while she was looking after him, she repeated the dua'a that he had remembered: "Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un!" "Surely we come from Allah and surely to Him we return!" she repeated. "O Lord, reward me for my affliction and give me something better than it in return, which only You, the Exalted and Mighty, can give." Then she thought to herself, All the Muslims in Medina were aware of Umm Salama's situation, and when her Iddah period of four months and ten days were over, Hazrat Abu Bakr proposed marriage to her, but she refused. Then Hazrat Umar asked her to marry him, but again she refused. Then the Prophet (SAW) himself asked for her hand in marriage. "O Messenger of Allah," Umm Salama replied, "I have three main characteristics: I am a woman who is extremely jealous and I am afraid that you will see something in me that will make you angry and cause Allah to punish me; I am a woman who is already advanced in age; and I am a woman who has many children."
"As for your jealousy," answered the Prophet, "I pray to Allah the Almighty to take it away from you. As for your age, I am older than you. As for your many children, they belong to Allah and His Messenger."

Hazrat Umm Salama (RA) was married to Prophet Muhammad (saw). The Prophet, (SAW) was greatly impressed with the courage, which Hazrat Umm Salamah displayed in facing the misfortunes and adversities of life. He, (SAW) was also highly moved for her tragic situation.

The Prophet's answered eased her heart, and so they were married in Shawwal, in 4 AH, and so it was that Allah answered the prayer of Umm Salama and gave her better than Abu Salama. From that day on, Umm Salama was not only the mother of Salama, but also became the 'Mother of the Believers' 'Umm al Muminin'. She also had a home for her four children: Salama, Umar, Zaynab, and Durra who were the foster children of the Prophet. Umm Salama's daughter Zaynab grew up in the care of the Messenger of Allah (SAW) and became one of the most intelligent women of her time.

Her Sons and daughters:

She has two sons and two daughters from her previous husband Hazrat Abu Salma.

  1. Salama
  2. Umar
  3. Zaynab
  4. Durra

Her son Salama later married Umama, the daughter of Hamza, the martyred uncle of the Prophet. Umm Salama accompanied the Prophet (SAW) for seven years until his death in 10 AH and accompanied him on many of his expeditions: Hudaybiyah, Khyber, and The Conquest of Mecca, the siege of Ta'if, the expedition against Hawazin and Thaqif, and the Farewell Hajj.
Hazrat Umm Salama was not the only wife to have been widowed as a result of the battle of Uhud, and thanks to this marriage, many of the Companions followed the Prophet's example, marrying widows and thereby bringing them and their children into the circle of their families, instead of leaving them to struggle on their own.
On more than one occasion, the Prophet (SAW) asked her advice in tricky situations.

She (RA) learned the whole of the Qur'an by heart

Like Bibi A'isha and Bibi Hafsa, Umm Salama learned the whole of the Qur'an by heart, and an indication of her high station with Allah can be found in the fact that she was permitted to see the angel Jibril in human form: It has been related by Salman that Jibril (AS) came to the Messenger of Allah (SAW) while Umm Salama was with him, and had a conversation with him. After Jibril had left, the Prophet (SAW) said to Umm Salama, "Do you know who that was?" and she replied that it was a man called Dihya al Khalbi. "By Allah," said Umm Salama, "I didn't think it was anyone else until the Messenger of Allah (SAW) told me who it really was."

A Historical example of her wisdom

In the 6th Hijrah year, the Prophet (SAW) accompanied by his 1,400 companions decided to perform 'Umrah. When the Quraysh learned about this, they decided to stop the Muslims from performing the pilgrimage; but when the Muslims decided to fight them they feared and signed a treaty with the Muslims, which consisted of several terms and conditions which appeared to be unfair for the Muslims as it prevented them from performing 'Umrah that year.

The Prophet (SAW) accepted these conditions in adherence to the Divine Command instructing him to do so. Then the Prophet (SAW) ordered the Muslims to slaughter animals in sacrifice (indicating the end of the 'Umrah rites). But the Muslims hesitated in offering the sacrifice, which grieved the Prophet (SAW).
Hazrat Umm Salama who was with the Prophet Muhammed (saw) on this journey, heard this and suggested to the Prophet Muhammed (saw) to offer the sacrifice, shave his head and take off the Ihraam. The Prophet did so acting on her advice. When the companions saw that the Prophet's command was irrevocable, they at once sacrificed their animals and shaved their heads.

Her character:

  • Led a Simple and serious life

Hazrat Umm Salama (RA) led a very simple and serious life. She was a deep worshiper. Every month, she fasted for three days (other than the fasting of Ramadhan). Once, she wore a necklace, which had a little amount of gold in it. The Prophet did not like her wearing even this little amount of gold. So Umm Salama immediately took it out.

  • Very generous

Hazrat Umm Salama was very generous. She pleaded others also to give away in the cause of Allah Almighty.  Whatever she had, she would readily give away to a beggar or a needy person.
Once, a few destitute people came to her begging for charity. Hazrat Umm Salama (RA) ordered her maid not to send them back empty-handed, and if there was nothing in the houses, she should give them just a few dates.

  • Excellent reciter of the Quran and narrator of Ahadith

Hazrat Umm Salama (RA) has narrated 378 Hadeeths of the Prophet (SAW). In moral excellence and nobility of conduct, she ranks, among the Prophet's wives, next only to Bibi Aa'ishah (RA). She was an excellent reciter of the Quran, and her style was much similar to the Prophet's. She was endowed with exceptionally beautiful countenance, deep knowledge, intelligence and sound judgment.

  • Very Courageous 

Her courage was even admired by our beloved Prophet Muhammed (SAW). So, let us also be courageous in our day to day struggles as Umm Salama did.

  • Knowledge and wisdom –

Her nobility and moral excellence were ranked next to that of Hazrat Ai'sha (RA). She was also a Hafiza and therefore knew the Holy Quran by heart. Her high spiritual status was revealed through her physical presence during one of Hadrat Jibreel (AS) visits to Prophet Muhammed (SAW). She also was a narrator of over 378 hadith.

  • Examples of some hadith narrated by Umm Salamah:

I said, "O Allah's Apostle! Shall I get a reward (in the Hereafter) if I spend on the children
of Abu Salama and do not leave them like this and like this (i.e., poor) but treat them like
my children?" The Prophet said, "Yes, you will be rewarded for that which you will spend
on them."
(Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 7.282 , Narrated by Umm Salama)

I said, "O Prophet of Allah! Am I not also one of your Ahlul-Bayt?" I swear by the Almighty that the Holy Prophet (SAW) did NOT grant me any distinction and said: "You have a good future."
reference: (
Tafsir al-Tabari, v22, p7 under the commentary of verse 33:33)

Breathed her last

After a life filled with faith and righteous deeds, the Mother of the Believers, Hazrat Umm Salama (RA) died in the year 63 A.H., aged 84 and the reputable Companion, Hazrat Abu Hurayrah (RA) led her funeral prayer, after which she was buried in Al-Baqee' Cemetery in Madina. She lived longer than many of the wives of the Prophet Muhammed (SAW)

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